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  • The Contrast Collar Dress Shirt: Distinctive By Design

    Contrast collar shirts are a throwback to a century ago, when men’s dress shirts came with detachable collars. Since men were usually squeezed into a vest and high-buttoning jacket for propriety’s sake, the collar was the most visible part of the shirt. With a detachable collar, the young man climbing the ladder could get by with one or two shirts a week, but still...
  • Tips on Matching Cufflinks

    So-called ‘man jewelry’ can totally be a hard thing to pull off. When it comes to cufflinks, however, we can’t understand the purists who decry cufflinks as too ostentatious and showy. In their opinion, we should just leave the precious stones and metals to the fairer sex. But we say that’s outdated thinking! Cufflinks can be both polished and trendy; there’s a way to...
  • Dressing for a Warm Weather Wedding

    When it comes to dressing for warm weather nuptials, our best advice is to simply follow the invitation’s dress code. Even if you’re marrying a Kennedy, proper attire would differ greatly depending on whether the ceremony is outdoors at Hyannis Port, where socks may be optional, or at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City, where proper morning dress may be required. But dress...